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Stephen Johnson – Payday Pattern

This new guide is 5+ hours of in-depth training where you’ll see:

  • How Stephen Johnson turned $600 in $59,000 in 2020…
  • Why you should short “gappers” (a gimme pattern)!
  • The “three secrets” Stephen looks for before he trades ANY stock...
  • Endless practical examples, charts, and minute by minute analysis...
  • Learn the “Payday Pattern” as Stephen Live trades and shares his screen (complete with narration)!

The difference between this and other guides is simple…

It’s backed by HARD DATA.

All my analysis, research, and learnings are backed on two years of painstakingly tracking all gappers. And when you get access, you’ll get my two years of data with a customizable spreadsheet you can use to continue expanding it.

Basically… this is my start to finish “payday pattern framework” all in one place…

All you have to do is learn how to use it.

Module 1: Introduction…

An introduction to the guide and exactly what you should expect to gain from it.

Module 2: A data-based approach...

The basics to develop and understand a data-driven approach to master the gap and crap short strategy.

Module 3: A pattern-based approach...

A deep dive into different daily patterns to discover which provide the best odds of success (and why) including in depth chart analysis.

Module 4: A system-driven approach...

An introduction to “the system” and how it all ties together. You’ll see how to start tracking data then analyze it to determine your edge in the stock market.

Module 5: Marrying data, dailies, and other variables together...

In-depth chart analysis learning how to consider all variables, from the daily chart to your data, to perfect executions getting in and out of a trade.

Module 6: In Summary...

Concluding and re-capping on lessons learned in previous sections

Module 7: Live Streams...

Stephen’s live trades narrated to hear his thought process during each tick of the tape. This section will be updated as new streams are recorded.

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